  • 字級大小



“Create a Foreign Language Learning Environment based on
the Concept of Holistic Education”
Establish the Only Foreign Language Institution in Taiwan and Cultivate Talents 




文藻外語大學-厚植人文素養 躍登國際舞台的領航者

Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages-
Enhance Humanistic Quality, Be a Success on International Stage



A foreign language institution established by the Order of Saint Ursula, OSU, the school has always maintained its own unique feature and is managed conscientiously. Wenzao focuses on serving society and mankind. For the past 50 years, Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages has cultivates many globalized and professional talents in the foreign language field.



The achievement of Wenzao is an important asset for Taiwan in its expansion of international trade and promotion of its international prestige. Wenzao has often been described as a “rare education pure land in Taiwan”.


文藻人所散發出的熱忱、大方、敬業及愛心的氣質,其實就是文藻師生努力的成果 。

Wenzarians are enthusiastic, generous, dedicated to work and benevolent. These qualities are the hardworking results made by Wenzao teachers and students.